Our Mission:


The mission of Natural Bridges School is to nurture the development of children on Kauai who are compassionate and wise - people of integrity who by developing their gifts to the fullest, are inspired and prepared to make their unique contributions to the world.


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Natural Bridges

At Natural Bridges, the prepared environment, a micro community, nourishes the link between a child's innate ability and the igniting of the child's full potential. The adult prepares the environment and guides the child to explore and discover concepts and skills that enhance everyday living.

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School Environment

Creating a safe community where Hawaiian values aid the building of the child's character is of upmost importance to us at Natural Bridges. Foremost is respect; respect for self, others and the environment. 

The outdoor and indoor environment are equally important learning spaces used throughout the day. Both of these prepared environments naturally provide endless learning opportunities and teachable moments nurturing the child's absorbent mind.


"Honestly I can say that my children's time at Natural Bridges helped shape them into caring and inquisitive children who are open to experiencing the world. After graduating Natural Bridges they were more than equipped to handle the academics of elementary school and the social aspects of life. All of us (even our children since they are now old enough to appreciate their preschool years) really see the experiences given to them at Natural Bridges as a beautiful "head start" for them. We are beyond lucky to have this amazing preschool on the North Shore of Kauai".

Kelly P - Parent

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Dear Parents,

Thank you for your interest in our school. Natural Bridges provides a nurturing learning environment for young children ages 2.8 - 6 years of age. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at the info below. We look forward to meeting your child and talking with you about your participation in our program.

Kirsten & Danny Crain - Program Directors